With the development of technologies and business opportunities, the increase of service to customers, the amount of information to analyze, and the increasing need to make the right decisions based on a variety of data, consulting is becoming a very important component in the workplace. Unfortunately, access to affordable and trustworthy consultants at the right time is not always easy. Similarly, many talented people would like to offer consulting services, but they don’t know where, how, and whom to contact.
Although in the case of countries affected by brain drain the need of native consultants is more appealing, it is very hard for people living in the diaspora to offer such a service to their home countries. At the same time, many organizations have consulting openings, but they don’t know how or who to contact to get those jobs done. Sometimes, because of a lack of the right fit, many consultations are done by less qualified people.
While the experts living in the diaspora are rarely used by their home countries for consulting, several foreign consultants are hired for the cause of those very countries. Unfortunately, those foreign consultants often lack the local knowledge which is required to appropriately elaborate certain policies, and they are often less qualified and more expensive than the diasporas. If the global diasporas can be better organized, they can be a very powerful instrument for consulting and development of the government, schools, businesses, and organizations in their home country as well as in their host country.
To fill the gap of information and collaboration between people willing to be consulted and the persons or institutions that will receive such services, DiasporaEngager aims at creating a free global consulting platform by using social media to bring together consulting customers and clients for collaboration, networking, business, entrepreneurship, and much more, to develop people and nations.
With this platform, the world’s diasporas can be easily reached and used for consulting needs. This international platform significantly annuls the consulting fee and allows nations to find and use people that they can trust. If anyone needs a consultant for anything, he or she will just go online and search worldwide.
The global consulting platform (http://bit.ly/1rAX9cN) brings together consultants and clients for collaboration, networking, business, and entrepreneurship to develop people and nations. On this diaspora engagement site, people, businesses, organizations, institutions, and nations can create their profile and put online their expertise, profession, years of experience, location, and the cost of their service. If anyone needs a consultant for anything, he or she will just go to this platform online and search locally or internationally. The consultants can be contacted for specific needs pertaining to their region, expertise, and availability.
If you already have an account with DiasporaEngager, please log in today (www.DiasporaEngager.com) and post your consulting needs and/or offers.
If you have not register an account on DiasporaEngager yet, please go to http://DiasporaEngager.com/miniRegister to register today, so that you can start using this global platform. It is free!
To start receiving updates and consulting opportunities related to the global diaspora, please go to http://bit.ly/1oOJFXE to subscribe to the diaspora engagement newsletter today! It is free!
The Global Diaspora Engagement Platform has more than consulting, investment, and philanthropy. To learn about other services related to the international diaspora engagement and how they may help you, please click here: http://bit.ly/1rAX9cN
For any questions or suggestions, please contact us here: www.DiasporaEngager.com/contact/
Wish you the best.

Sign today to use your skills for consulting on the global diaspora platform at www.DiasporaEngager.com/miniRegister. It is free.