Greetings from DiasporaEngager,, the world’s #1 and largest diaspora engagement network platform!
Today, we would like to share with you some of the secrets that many individuals and nations do not know or understand about the global diaspora that they dearly want to give back to their home country! Before we start diving into strategies and ways to finally engage the international diaspora with the development of their nations, we feel like it is very important that we shed light on some of top secrets regarding this issue! The french people will say “secret de polichinelle”. Here it is:
Based on a massive data collection and painful diagnostics, here are the dilemmas that most diasporas, their home countries, and their country of residence find themselves in:
- For many reasons, most people leave their country of origin to go into adventure hoping for a better life that, unfortunately, they don’t usually find as originally planned.
- For most people living in the diaspora, getting better opportunities to solve their problems and achieve their adventure dream is their main priority.
- People and organizations in the country of origin of the diasporas (particularly developing countries) address most of their needs for assistance to their relatives in the diaspora, thinking that all of those relatives are really having a better life abroad.
- Some people in the country of origin of the diaspora are mostly interested in receiving free gifts back from the international diaspora regardless of their success or not.
- At the same time, nothing is that free for the diaspora in the foreign countries they find themselves in. Most of the free things the diasporas get abroad are not enough to really help them find a sustainable way of success. Therefore, to really succeed abroad, most diasporas have to pay a high price.
- Usually, at their turn, most people living in the diaspora (at least the newcomers/migrants and those who are struggling to succeed) tend to ask the people in their host country to help them.
- Not only are native individuals, organizations, and businesses in the diaspora country of residence overloaded with requests for free help, but also, they would prefer the diaspora members (who are living by them) to buy their professional services and products rather than just ask for free help.
- Usually, most diasporas are not well understood for instance because of the language and cultural barriers, but also because of a lack of integration into their new environment where sometimes, the autochthonous are barely making it in this global economy in decadence!
- As the diasporas have their problems that they cannot solve, so the people and organizations in the diasporas’ host country have their own that they cannot or they do not want to solve free of charge those of the diaspora.
- Meanwhile, certain organizations and governmental institutions strategically take advantage of this situation that many people and nations do not and/or can not fully understand or share.
- Because of the problems mentioned above, it generally takes too long for most diaspora members to achieve their goals and succeed. Nevertheless, many diaspora members behave like if life abroad is a paradise or the “Eldorado”. Therefore, instead of telling the truth to their people so brain drain and immigration can be sightly reduced at the profit of many nations which are sinking, many people lie and/or prefer to believe in lies!
- The diaspora members who succeed, or who we think succeed, do not usually reach their full potential, and if they do, it takes too long to get there.
- By the time they succeed, most diaspora members incur a lot of debt, frustrations, and other problems that cause them to focus on themselves rather than really thinking about helping those in their country of origin as the latter wish in their claim of “diaspora give back”.
- Some of those who succeed and who want to give back do not know where the real needs are and how they can engage themselves and others. Unfortunately, when some give back, many corruptible systems poison their good will! And a whole lot more!!!
To solve these problems, DiasporaEngager was invented. DiasporaEngager aims at being the premier provider of liaisons and strategies between all Diasporas, people and organizations in their home country as well as in their host countries, to set the developmental and global environment to detect, harvest, and transfer resources, services, and opportunities between people, organizations, and nations in a win-win framework, and much more.
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Stay tuned! We have a lot more to say. It is very important we understand the complexity of the problem related with immigration, diaspora international problems/opportunities, etc., before we start talking about ways to engage with the global diaspora!
For any questions, feel free to contact us.
The DiasporaEngager Team!

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