Why Immigrants and Diasporas Cannot Easily Return Back Home

Human migration is a universal problem that is here to stay. Human beings, and even wild animals, move because they are usually trying to solve a problem. For instance, when the weather is getting bad, many animal species know how to migrate to avoid exposing themselves to environmental conditions that can threaten their existence. Certain animals that cannot migrate, hibernate to avoid the bad weather like winter! Wild animals which are unable to migrate nor fully hibernate, usually suffer during the rough season, and some even die!


When human beings move, they also have in mind the notion of finding a better life. I do not think many people move to a new place just to willingly expose themselves to detrimental conditions that will hurt or kill them, unless they are terrorists, which is a bad thing. However, because of political limitations, human beings do not have the freedom to migrate to wherever they would like. In most cases, people are restrained to their native countries and unable to move abroad because they lack finances, government approval, connections, vision, and support from family or friends. Usually, when human beings manage to leave their home country for another country, they do not easily return back, unless something threatens their dream abroad, or some better opportunities open up in their home country, or they are repatriated from their residence country back to their native country. Even so, those who are repatriated want to return back to the country they just came from!


When it comes to the diaspora of the developing countries, if stinginess, unforgiveness, and selfishness can be added to the already-complicated equations among the diaspora and those residing in the same country, most of the immigrants allow pride to get in their way and would prefer dying abroad than returning back to their native country. It is in this critical condition that most countries are begging their diasporas to give back or to invest in their development.

International Immigrants Platform

Join the International Immigrants Platform at www.DiasporaEngager.com/miniRegister


Nevertheless, a handful of educated people living in the Diaspora would like to return to their country of origin or country of residence, but in most cases, a very few organized structures exist to facilitate that type of movement. Some people don’t even know who to talk to or where to start in order to return to their home country. This is because many developed countries do not have a clear plan to integrate or incorporate their diaspora and returning immigrants into the development of their own country. Many immigrants have returned or have been returned to their home country, but have failed due to a lack of programs to help them integrate into their new environment. Numerous traveling agencies and businesses assist people in planning their travels, but very few specialize in helping diaspora members return to their home country even if it is for a short stay to contribute to their nation’s development. After arriving to a new country and being surprised by the many hurdles they have to overcome, once realizing all the obstacles, certain immigrants oftentimes want to return home but lack the funding to do so.


The problem is more complex for the educated people living abroad. Indeed, some diaspora members studied at a very high cost; some may have even acquired debts (e.g. student loan, cost of living abroad), and after graduation, they would like to return back to their home country, but unfortunately, they can’t afford it, because the salary they will make in their home country cannot allow them to pay their debt and have a decent life. Furthermore, if they return, they will likely not find the tools and resources to practice what they have learned. However, if someone (e.g. government, nonprofit) can assist them in paying off that debt and having a decent job, some diaspora members would love to return home. A solution must be found for this global problem.

In our next post, we will discuss what DiasporaEngager is doing to solve this complex problem. Please stay tuned! Meanwhile, you can join our efforts by registering a free account at : https://diasporaengager.com/miniRegister

The Global Volunteering Platform That Involves The International Diaspora

Volunteering has become an interesting part of people’s lives. While some volunteering jobs may be for humanitarian purposes, others have a business potential. It is delightful for someone to volunteer at a place of his or her interest. When people volunteer, not only do they bless themselves, but they also solve other’s problems that may stay unsolved otherwise.

Unfortunately, countless people would like to volunteer but don’t know where they can find an opening in a town or country of their interest. At the same time, many organizations have volunteer openings, but they don’t know how and who to contact to get those jobs done. Particularly, many people travel for diverse reasons (missions, vacation, etc.) to other countries and would like to volunteer for a specific need, but they don’t know who to contact or how to provide that service. There is a gap of information and collaboration between people willing to volunteer and the persons or institutions that will receive those services.

Join DiasporaEngager Today to Find Volunteering Opportunities Locally or Worldwide!

Join DiasporaEngager Today (www.DiasporaEngager.com/miniRegister) to Find Volunteering Opportunities Locally or Worldwide!

In addition to advocating for their country, the global diaspora can play a crucial role in solving this problem. The diasporas have the chance to live and experience life abroad. They know a lot of new things that the people in their home country do not know. Consequently, the potential of the diaspora needs to be harvested to empower the development of their nations. In other words, volunteering should play a big part in diaspora engagement efforts. Up to today, a very few platforms openly provide that kind of service worldwide in a win-win framework. Consequently, many opportunities of volunteering are missed because they are hidden from the public or they are tagged with complex financial strategies or interests. This situation is contributing to the poverty of many people and nations. A solution was needed!

DiasporaEngager is an global online site where anyone or any organization that wants, needs, or has a volunteer opening will register, search, find, and be able to contact volunteers and vice versa with opportunities in any areas of interest worldwide. DiasporaEngager is dedicated to improving the volunteering industry by allowing people to better use their talents to help themselves and those in need.

DiasporaEngager’s volunteering services are tailored to:

Do you have a volunteering need or offer? Sign up at www.DiasporaEngager.com/miniRegister to find the answer!

Do you have a volunteering need or offer? Sign up at www.DiasporaEngager.com/miniRegister to find the answer!


  • Free volunteering
  • Charity volunteering
  • Volunteering job or paid volunteering
  • Volunteering program or project
  • Volunteering company or organization
  • Virtual or online volunteering
  • Local, International, Worldwide, or Global volunteering
  • Medical or Hospital volunteering
  • Mission Trip
  • Corporate volunteering
  • Student volunteering
  • Animal volunteering
  • Etc.


What can you do to start using DiasporaEngager’s platform to address your volunteering needs and/or offers right now?

All it takes to start using this platform is to register a free account. If you haven’t yet, please click here to register today: https://diasporaengager.com/miniRegister. It is free! Or if you want to see what you need to do to start benefiting from our services, please go to the next paragraph.

If this does not sound like something you want, please click here to learn about other services we provide that we may help you with: https://diasporaengager.com/extPage/InterestAreas. 


For any questions or suggestions, please contact us 

Thank you!