South Africa based Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (known as Major 1) (, the founder and president of Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) Church, sent his spiritual son Apostle Felixosis Huios Nabi Navira (currently known as the last born of Major 1) to lead ECG Portland, Maine, in America. Now, this son has been shaking the city by surprise with mind blowing miracles as he is flowing in what he calls the “elements of his father”. Almost every Sunday, something new happens and testimonies keep coming. Among the miracles that he has done are supernatural weight loss, miracle money, debts cancellation and many more.
A recent miracle related to a medical bill, which dropped from 1.8 million USD to $63 after a prayer by the Apostle, has been amazingly shocking people in the US. Indeed, one of the main challenges in life is to keep one’s health up. If despite all precautions and efforts to stay healthy, a medical problem arises, the bills can be overwhelming. In western countries like the USA, healthcare is very expensive and the corresponding bills are costly. Despite efforts to lower the price of healthcare in the US, some people still have to pay a huge price and some cannot even afford it. Some people even die accidently because they are afraid to go to hospital and acquire more debts.
A lady in the US was sick and ended up in a coma for three months. During her stay in the coma, she was put on life support. By the time she came out of the coma, she had a medical bill of 1.8 million US dollars. Unfortunately, she did not have money to pay the bill. While trying to return to her normal life, she heard about Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (Major 1) and his church, which is headquartered in Pretoria, South Africa. Fortunately, in 2016, ECG Church opened a branch in New York and in Portland, Maine (United States). ECG Portland, Maine, is led by Apostle Felixosis Huios Nabi Navira (, a Malawian-born Cisco Certified Network Expert that is walking in the shoes of his Father, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri.

Because of the miracles that lady heard about the ministries of Major 1 (, she joined ECG Church in Portland, Maine. There, she met Apostle Felixosis Huios Nabi Navira, who prayed for her. About a month later, the medical bill dropped from 1.8 million US dollars to eleven thousands. Then, the lady returned back to church and the Apostle prayed for her again. Afterwards, the bill dropped from eleven thousands to four thousands. As she kept believing, she went back to the Apostle who prayed for her again. This time, the bill dropped from four thousands to sixty three dollars.
What a miracle! Praised be to God for His healing grace!

This miracle should not be surprising as Apostle Felixosis has an impressive prophetic grace upon his life. As a beloved spiritual son of Major Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (Major One) (, the Apostle is surely anointed by his father who trusts him well enough to ask him to lead ECG America. This can also explain why in less than six months, ECG Portland, Maine, has been already making the news in Maine, USA! As a responsible, responsive, and organized leader, Apostle Felixosis Huios Nabi Navira has a great vision about his calling and the things he wants to do in life. He really cares for the people he oversees and wants to win more souls for the Lord. He is a great motivator who likes to encourage people to trust in the God of Major1 (, who can do anything anytime. Under the anointing of his father Major 1 and grandpa (Prophet Uebert Angel), Apostle Felixosis Huios Nabi Navira is surely going to be one of the leaders who will play a crucial role in the prophetic and financial revolution that will positively shake the US very soon. To be in touch with news concerning the prophetic revolution in the US or learn more about ECG Portland, Maine, please visit them at 1844 Forest Avenue, Portland, Maine, 04103.