Apostle Felixosis, the leader of ECG Church in America.
For several decades, Africa was the continent that received European and American missionaries. However, it is just recently that Africa started sending missionaries abroad. In a rare prophetic move, the renowned Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, Major 1, founder of the Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) Church, sent his son, the Malawian Apostle Felixosis Huios Nabi Navira, to lead ECG Church in America. Although based in Portland, Maine, this Apostle has been reaching out to other states in the US to share the Gospel. On March 31st and April 1st, 2017, Apostle Felixosis Huios (https://www.facebook.com/huios.felix) held a powerful prophetic conference in Utah (USA).
During this two day conference, the crowd was astounded by the prophecies and the miracles that the God of Major 1 did through the Apostle. For instance, after a prayer by this minister, some people who were deaf began to hear immediately. Other people attending the conference received miracle money right after prayer during the live service. One lady received $1,000 and another $520 as a sign of what is to come. Two women had one leg shorter than the other, but after the prayer of the man of God, their legs became even. Attending the event was a nine year old boy who was born normal, but who lost his vision and became blind at the age of three. Right after Apostle Felixosis Huios prayed for this boy, he recovered his sight as his eyes opened instantly. Several attendees of the conference were astonished by the miracles because they had never seen anything like that before.
Those who have been following the prophetic revolutionary revival that is shaking South Africa under the leadership of Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, Ph.D., know that the God of Major One is showcasing His power and is speaking today in an unusual way as never seen before (https://www.youtube.com/user/propheticchannelTv). It is a well-established fact and truth that Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (Major 1, PhD) is being mightily used by God in the prophetic, miracles, healings, business, and many other types of wonders. Dr. Major 1 has several sons and daughters across the globe. So far, the last born son of Major 1 (Apostle Felixosis Huios Nabi Navira) has been growing the ECG Church in Portland, Maine, and its members at a high speed that is testifying that he is really a son of the undeniable Major Prophet who has been breaking records including his performances in business (http://shepherdbushiriinvestments.com), teaching, prophecy, philanthropy, networking, mentoring, prosperity, wealth production and accumulation across the globe, etc. For instance, in less than three years, ECG Pretoria, South Africa, which was founded by Major 1, Ph.D., in 2015, grew from just a few members to more than 100 thousand members without counting the millions of followers who watch his services on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/shepherdbushiriministries), YouTube, phone application (e.g. Bushiri Buzz https://www.facebook.com/bushiribuzz) and his TV (Prophetic Channel TV), etc. Major1, the world’s richest minister, is also one of the youngest billionaires in the world. He was honored as one of the “Most Influential Contemporary African Diaspora Leaders” (http://africandiasporaleaders.com/shepherdbushiri). Seeing the miracles and the steps that Apostle Felixosis is taking, under the anointing and mentoring of his father Major1, it will not be surprising that very soon, ECG America will make the national news.
As one of the “Christian nations” on earth, the US is blessed to finally have an Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) Church branch. The time has come for Africa to send more missionaries like Apostle Felixosis Huios Nabi Navira to the western nations, where Christianity is sometimes attacked and threatened because of the growing number of worldly philosophies that tend to raise human knowledge and theories above the Word of God, which will never disappear although heaven and earth will pass away very soon. As ECG America grows and is better known by more people in US, more Americans will certainly partake in the grace that is working for the Major Prophet Dr. Shepherd Bushiri. Seeing how ECG is shaking Africa, its continent of birth, there is no doubt that, under the leadership of Major1, ECG America is going to positively shake the US very soon and bring forth the revival that many ministers have been praying for. As the Americans are awaiting this prophetic revival and financial revolution in their land, where great men of God like Evangelist Billy Graham, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Bishop T. D. Jakes, Pastor John Kilpatrick, Evangelist Morris Nathan, etc., have faithfully preached the Good News, it is worth thanking God and noticing that Apostle Felixosis Huios Nabi Navira and the partners of ECG America are off to a great start. ECG Church in Portland Maine, is located at: 1844 Forest Avenue, Portland, Maine, 04103 (USA).