Brice Augustin Sinsin: The Famous Intellectual and Developer that the Diaspora and their Stakeholders Must Know

Engaging with the international diaspora implies also helping the diaspora to better know the people that they left behind in their home country. It also implies assisting those in the country of residence of the diaspora to value, celebrate and cherish the good achievements of their peers who are succeeding. When it comes to the contemporary African intellectuals, scientists, leaders, developers, managers, reformers, and educators, one name has been locally and internationally leading the list: Prof Brice Augustin Sinsin.


Brice Augustin Sinsin

Best Manager of the Year in Science and Education Award in 2013 from the International Socrates Committee in Europe.

Brice Augustin Sinsin was born in 1959, a year before the independence of his native country, Benin Republic (West Africa). Despite the challenges surrounding his childhood, Brice Sinsin worked very hard until he earned a Ph.D. with distinction in Agronomy at the Free University of Brussels (Belgium) in 1993. Having overcome every challenge on his way, Prof Brice Sinsin is today internationally applauded not only for his scientific achievements, but also for his management and leadership ability that has been best known after he became the Rector/Chancellor of the University of Abomey Calavi (UAC), the biggest university (consisting of more than 100,000 students) of Benin. During his tenure at the head of UAC, Prof Sinsin won several awards including the “Best Manager of the Year in Science and Education” in 2013 from the International Socrates Committee in Europe. In less than 4 years, his undeniable leadership and reforms brought more than a dozen of international prizes and awards to UAC.


His sense of teamwork, franchise, and reputation allowed him to extensively build a strong network of collaborators across the globe from Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon, China, France, Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Iran, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Namibia, Netherlands, Niger, Nigeria, Republic of Central Africa, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Togo, Uganda, United Kingdom, USA, etc. He has supervised more than 50 PhD Students in Africa, Europe, America, Asia, etc. Prof Brice Sinsin is the Director of the “Laboratory of Applied Ecology”.


Biography of Brice Sinsin

Biographie de Brice Augustin Sinsin : Vie, succès, et secrets d’un intellectuel et développeur Africain

A few days ago, the Biography of Prof Brice Sinsin was published. The 18 chapters of that book revealed the true facets and secrets of his masterful journey. Indeed, Brice Sinsin is a Beninese, a beloved father, a tireless leader, a rigorous developer, a generous educator, an undeniable reformer, and a proven scientist that has braved everything in his life, from childhood to the top of modern science where the sweat of his brow raised him to an internationally acclaimed reputation. Forerunner of a new approach to science policy for the emergence and development of nations, Prof Brice Sinsin is a model that all generations are invited to imitate and seek to surpass. His biography explains how this Beninese works on the basis of principles and passions that hide the code of his success that many seek to emulate without wanting to pay the price. In the 300 page biography, Prof Sinsin also proposes strategies to reform the African democracy and constitutions to suit the needs of the African people, learn from traditional leadership systems in Africa, make African countries more national and patriotic, reform politics in Africa and better train the African diplomats. The author ended the biography with a critical conclusion and a fervent prayer. To learn more about this biography, please visit To get your copy of the biography, please click here:


This biography was written by Dr Roland Holou (, a scientist, a businessman, a published author, and an international consultant. He obtained his Bachelor Degree in Agronomy and his Master of Science Degree in Agricultural Engineering at the University of Abomey Calavi in Benin. He has a Ph.D. in Plant, Insect and Microbial Sciences at the University of Missouri (USA) where he graduated as the Doctoral Marshal (first of his class). Roland Holou is the Founder and CEO of DiasporaEngager (, the premier global diaspora engagement network platform that connects the international diasporas to each other and to opportunities anywhere.

ABCs of a Realistic African Diaspora Engagement

Almost every African country is trying to engage with its diaspora. However, in general, when it comes to how to convince the African diaspora to work with their country of origin, most of the methods used are not working. One of the first things that comes to the mind of most Africans living in Africa is to ask the diaspora to help them, forgetting that no one is helping the diaspora for free. In contrast, the first thing that enters the mind of most diasporas is not how to help Africa, but whether Africa knows why they have left the continent and what they are doing/facing abroad!


Do I need to underline that many African immigrants have left the Black Continent because they were chased away by some leaders and sorcerers who, today, are begging them to invest back home? What can’t I say about the massive and forced migration of Africans to America during one of the darkest and wicked ages of human history a few centuries ago? I even wonder how many people realize that the largest African diaspora population is in Brazil! Most Africans leaders are not trying to better know and understand their diaspora before asking them to come invest their money in Africa. Sometimes, I even wonder how many African Professionals in the Diaspora are richer than the African leaders who are begging them for money. Worst, some African leaders act as if their diaspora have forgotten the wounds they have suffered in Africa before finding a way to flee the continent of Kwame Nkrumah. Undoubtedly, a lot of basic first steps needs to be addressed in order to start aligning the mentality of Africa with that of its diaspora. Otherwise, the synergistic coalition needed for African Diaspora Engagement ( will continue lacking!


The migration of the diasporas from their home country to their new country of residence is a kind of “divorce or break up” with their roots. Some Africans have had some bad experiences with their own people that they do not even want to reverse their “divorce” with the continent of Nelson Mandela and of Prof Brice Sinsin. Other immigrants have been highly afflicted by the people in their home country that they do not want to hear any request coming from them. No intelligible man dates a woman by starting to ask about anything that is supposed to be last. Moreover, no reasonable man can win back his ex-wife or ex-girlfriend, and vice versa, by starting the conversation with a list of requests or a list of things that the ex must do. Sadly, certain political leaders who orchestrated the migration of their own people cling to power and then, ask their diaspora that they and their ancestors have hunted to come and invest in their country. These types of diaspora engagement cannot work, particularly in the African context where people seem to pull each other toward the bottom of the misery pit. At the same time, many foreign countries are taking advantage of the divergences among the Africans!

African Diaspora Engagement Must be like a Love Story. Why? check out

African Diaspora Engagement Must be like a Love Story. Why? Check out


The involvement of the diaspora in the development of their home country must follow certain basic rules of courtesy. I believe that Africa and its diaspora need to start “dating” each other in a format similar to that of a man trying to win back his ex-wife or ex-girlfriend, and vice versa. However, while some people that have broken up can easily find new loves, it is not easy for most diaspora to quickly forget their roots and embrace the culture of their new country. This implies that many opportunities still exist to start engaging the African Diasporas in a dialogue with their homeland which dearly needs them. For this dialog to succeed, it must not begin with begging the diaspora to come back to Africa or to invest in Africa. Similarly, the diaspora should not inaugurate this dialog by requesting that the African political leaders change overnight. The African Diasporas need to know that, though their new life abroad has changed the way they used to think, many of their brothers and sisters in Africa still act as if they have no brain or if they cannot get rid of the legacy of the colonial ignorance and slavery. Therefore, the African Diaspora must be tolerant with their own people who need to be willing to realign and renew their mentality so that synergistic coalitions can be fostered in a win-win framework for the advancement of our dear Africa rather than allowing the so-called super powers to continue poaching their rich lands and mines like the cake of their grandmother or like their heritage or like the field of their slaves that they are still trying to enslave with diverse model of modern technology, negotiation, aids, partnership, and legislation!!!


Please, don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that every African diaspora engagement effort has failed. Indeed, several people and organizations have successfully engaged with Africa and its diaspora in a positive way. Many Africans living in Africa and in the diaspora have also contributed to the development of their homeland. We take advantage of this opportunity to thank those Africans, African diasporas, their friends, partners and stakeholders who have made a positive difference in Africa.

However, after spending years working on the African problems and writing books on African Development, I can conclude that, when it comes to engaging the African diaspora in the development of Africa, ten questions need to be asked first:

  1. Who are the African Diaspora?
  2. Who is who among the African Diaspora?
  3. Where are they living?
  4. What are they doing?
  5. What problems are they facing?
  6. Why did they leave Africa?
  7. How can Africa help them to heal some of their wounds?
  8. What can we do to forgive each other and embrace a new journey of partnership?
  9. How can we partner rather than how can they help us?
  10. How can we initiate this partnership without bringing up money as the first issue?


And these questions must be answered without forgetting the millions of African-Americans, (descendants of the slaves or African Descent individuals of descendants of former slaves), whom some stupid and/or naive Leaders think are not worthy to be called African Diaspora! It is after these questions are sincerely addressed that Africa and its Diaspora can start talking about who can do what for who? Without following these simple strategic steps, the African diaspora will just keep creating thousands of African Diaspora Associations, while the African Political Leaders will keep creating more Political Parties in Africa, yet, sinking Africa, remaining at odds and, therefore, unable to work together to create positive change. If you like this article, you will be also interested in joining the Global Diaspora Engagement Platform and the African Diaspora Platform at Anyway, I, Dr Roland Holou would like to hear from you.

God bless Africa and its People!!!


How to Engage the African Diaspora in the Development of Africa?

How to Engage the African Diaspora in the Development of Africa?


Première Plateforme Mondiale de Connexion et d’Engagement de la Diaspora Internationale: DiasporaEngager


1. Les problèmes de la diaspora globale et pourquoi la plateforme internationale des diasporas a été créée ?

  • Pour diverses raisons, des gens quittent leur pays d’origine pour aller en aventure dans l’espoir d’une vie meilleure qui, malheureusement, ne se retrouve pas généralement comme initialement prévue.
  • Plusieurs personnes et organisations dans le pays d’origine de la diaspora (en particulier les pays en développement) tournent la plupart de leurs besoins d’assistance vers leurs parents et amis à l’étranger, pensant que tous les immigrants ont réussi à l’étranger.
  • Au même moment, rien n’est si gratuit pour la diaspora à l’extérieur. La plupart des choses «gratuites» que la diaspora obtient à l’étranger ne sont pas suffisantes pour durablement réussir. Par conséquent, pour réussir, la plupart des diasporas doivent payer un prix élevé.
  • Non seulement les autochtones, les organisations, et les entreprises dans le pays de résidence de la diaspora sont souvent surchargés de demandes, mais aussi, ils préféreraient que la diaspora internationale achète leurs produits et services professionnels plutôt que de simplement demander d’aides gratuites.


Oopportunités avec la diaspora  en vous enregistrant gratuitement sur

Trouver des opportunités avec la diaspora globale en vous enregistrant gratuitement sur

  • La plupart des diasporas ou immigrants sont généralement incompris et/ou maltraités, par exemple à cause des barrières linguistiques, culturelles, et raciales, mais aussi en raison du manque d’intégration dans leur nouvel environnement où, parfois, les autochtones ou indigènes peinent aussi à réussir!
  • Dans le même temps, certaines organisations et agences gouvernementales tirent profit stratégiquement de cette situation mondiale que beaucoup de gens et de nations ne veulent pas ou ne peuvent pas pleinement comprendre ou dénoncer.
  • Les membres de la diaspora qui réussissent, ou ceux que nous pensons réussir, n’atteignent généralement pas leur plein potentiel, et s’ils en arrivent là, ça prend trop de temps. Au moment où ils y parviennent à réaliser leurs rêves, la plupart des membres de la diaspora contractent beaucoup de dettes, de frustrations et d’autres problèmes qui les amènent à se concentrer sur eux-mêmes plutôt qu’à vraiment penser au développement de leur pays d’origine où les dirigeants sont parfois impliqués dans des affaires de corruption et de mal gouvernance qui n’encouragent pas !
  • Pire, certains membres de la diaspora qui ont réussi et qui veulent donner en retour ou investir dans leur pays d’origine, ne savent pas où sont les besoins réels, les vrais secteurs d’investissement fiables et comment ils peuvent s’engager dans les processus de développement de leur nations, mêmes s’ils seront mal compris …
  • Ce problème mondial appauvrit les peuples et les nations. Avec l’accroissement des crises, guerres et catastrophes dans le monde entier, les migrations humaines vont s’accentuer et les problèmes y correspondants vont s’empirer si les actions appropriées ne sont pas durablement prises maintenant.

Pour réellement résoudre ce problème d’envergure mondiale, un système global doit être construit, où les diasporas internationales, les personnes et les organisations dans leur pays d’origine et dans leur pays d’accueil peuvent travailler ensemble pour s’entraider mutuellement. C’est justement ce pour quoi DiasporaEngager  ( a été créé! Il suffit de créer un compte gratuit pour pouvoir accéder aux ressources de DiasporaEngager. Pour vous inscrire, allez sur:

2. Mission de DiasporaEngager

L’importance de la diaspora est fort soulignée dans la plupart des débats portant sur le développement des nations ; mais les actions réelles, concrètes/pratiques, et non partisanes manquent cruellement. La majorité des pays ne peuvent pas complètement se développer sans impliquer leur diaspora. L’intégration de la diaspora dans les questions de développement implique aussi des collaborations et partenariat entre cette diaspora et les intellectuels vivant dans le pays de départ de la diaspora.

Basé aux USA, DiasporaEngager – – est la première plateforme mondiale créée pour stratégiquement connecter sur un seul réseau les associations de diaspora du monde entier aux intellectuels, gouvernants, et organisations publiques et privées se trouvant dans les pays de résidence et dans les pays de départ de la diaspora à savoir: Associations, Businesses, Agences Gouvernementales, Services d’Immigration, Instituts de Recherche, Laboratoires, ONG, Philanthropes/Donateur, Agences de Recrutement, Écoles, Universités et autres Etablissements d’Enseignement, Étudiants, Enseignants, Chercheurs, Homme d’Affaires, Agence de Voyage, Chômeurs, Services de Bénévolat, etc. L’inscription et l’usage de cette plateforme sont gratuits.

Par exemple, la diaspora ne peut pas bien collaborer avec leurs compatriotes si elle ne sait pas où est-ce qu’ils vivent? Que font-ils ? Quels sont leur centres d’intérêts en terme de collaboration ou de partenariat ? Où les trouver ? Comment est-ce que la diaspora peut travailler avec eux ?

Bref, DiasporaEngager est le premier fournisseur de liaisons entre toutes les diasporas, les personnes et organisations dans leurs pays d’origine ainsi que dans leur pays d’accueil, pour détecter, collecter, et transférer des ressources, services et opportunités de développement entre les nations et leurs peuples dans un cadre gagnant-gagnant. DiasporaEngager accomplit cette mission en se focalisant sur certains domaines d’intérêt clés dont :

Adoption Plaidoyer (lobbying)
Assistance aux immigrants Plaintes/Grogne de la Diaspora
Assistance aux réfugiés Politique de développement
Bénévolat Questions culturelles
Collaboration Recrutement de talents
Consultation Renforcement des capacités
Correspondance Représentation de la Diaspora
Démocratie et gouvernance Réseautage
Diplomatie Retour de la diaspora dans le pays d’origine
Enseignement Science et recherche
Gestion de la fuite de cerveaux Service d’emploi
Intégration des immigrants Services bancaires et assurances
Investissement Services d’amitié et d’échange
Jumelage de villes Services de traduction
Marketing Services éditoriaux
Mentorat Services juridiques
Nouvelles opportunités Spiritualité/religion
Opportunités d’affaires Technologie
Paix et guerre Transport
Philanthropie Tutorat

 3. Utilisateurs de DiasporaEngager ?

Bien que la plate-forme est basée sur les besoins de la diaspora mondiale, les services sont conçus pour les personnes, organismes et entités telles que :


4. Quoi faire pour commencer par utiliser la plateforme


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Merci et à bientot.